Guitar Function Courses

Guitar courses for all levels

Progressive guitar courses

If you’re playing for fun or serious about becoming a performing musician, we’ve developed a series of progressive courses, that will allow each student to make huge progress and take the guitar to the next level.

Have fun learning to play along with music in our hub and continue developing your musical ear whilst building an extensive song repertoire.

We will examine various techniques and songs to supercharge your understanding and ability. 

Book your FREE taster lesson

Find out first hand exactly what we have to offer, but more importantly, how we can help you with a free online introductory lesson.

Pick the perfect course for you

Introduction to the guitar 1 level - absolute beginner + beginner

Designed for an absolute beginner who has never picked up the guitar or a refresher for the guitar player who already knows the basics, this course will fill in the gaps and teach you everything you need to know to play the guitar.

The complete guitar player - 2 levels - beginner + intermediate

This course will teach you to play complete songs. You can choose from a massive library of songs that covers the biggest guitar songs from each decade over the past 80 years! Come and build your personal playlist.

The rock guitar player - 3 levels - beginner - advanced

Let’s get rocking! learn from the ground up, and start playing the biggest Rock songs of all time from the 1960s to today’s music. You can choose from classic rock and Indie rock songs, develop your guitar riffs and rhythm, and even get to play solos.

The blues guitar player - 3 levels - beginner - advanced

Learn the foundations of the blues and signature sounds, and start playing a variety of blues songs, building up your blues chords, riffs, shuffles, and progressions. Learn the songs by the biggest names in the Blues and add significant colour and expression to your guitar playing

Country & folk guitar player - 3 levels beginner - advanced

Learn the fundamentals of country and folk music with some of the most popular songs ever. You will build various styles and techniques, including essential strum patterns and fingerpicking styles. This course is perfect if you want to learn to sing and play the guitar.

Music theory & jazz - 3 levels beginner - advanced

Don't let the name put you off …. Music theory can be fun to learn and will unlock the fretboard so you can play any note chords for the scale you want. You will understand the importance of rhythm and timing, read guitar tablature and chord diagrams and become a much better guitarist.

Book your FREE taster lesson

Find out first hand exactly what we have to offer, but more importantly, how we can help you with a free online introductory lesson.

Choose where you learn with Guitar Function


Learn from anywhere: All you need is a guitar, computer and Wi-Fi.

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In the studio

Come to the Guitar Function studio: 5 minute drive from Arundel, West Sussex.

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We come to you

Areas covered: Bognor Regis, Pulborough, Littlehampton, Chichester, Midhurst

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